We would like to announce that Will Harrison will be moving up to the Oxford City Stars for this season.
Oxford Rising Stars Head Coach Jeff Sykora said:
I am very proud of Will for making this step up to the Stars, it has been something we have been working to since he was 12 years old. The amount of effort Will has put in over these past two seasons, particularly during this summer has been well-worth it, fully deserving of his fill time spot with the Stars now. We are certainly going to miss him with the Rising Stars, however it opens up another development spot for us. We would wish Will the best of luck, but he won’t need luck with his work ethic.
Oxford City Stars Head Coach Mark Saunders said:
We’re delighted to be signing Will full time with the Stars, in the two pre season games and pre season skates he’s shown he is clearly skilled enough to be playing NIHL1 hockey and it’s great to see the facilitation of player movement from the Rising Stars to the City Stars working this early in the season.
I’d like to thank the Rising Stars for their support with Will’s transferring to the City Stars, as well as looking forward to working with the team to provide more player development opportunities through the upcoming months of this campaign.
Head Of Development Pathway Darryl Morvan said:
Although he has had some time with the Stars previously, Will’s game has matured tremendously over the last two seasons and he has been a “go to” guy for Rising. Will’s call up is thoroughly deserved, and he is a great example of an athlete who has learned his trade in Oxford and worked through from Juniors to Stars, evidencing the value of the pathway that’s now in place. I have no doubt that the trend will continue, with other players seizing the opportunities that the pathway offers them. We wish Will all possible success and we’ll all be supporting him in his endeavours.