We are pleased to announce that Darryl Morvan will be Head of Development Pathway for the season!

Darryl said:
“When Warren approached me two years about helping out with Rising Stars, the thing that really appealed to me was that the ethos was around setting up a pathway between the Junior Stars through to the Stars, and it was apparent that if a success could be made of Rising Stars then that would increase the chance of that pathway coming to fruition.

Two years down the line, we’ve seen junior players training and making their senior debuts with the Rising Stars, and players from the Rising getting opportunities to train and play with the Stars. A big motivation for me coming back to hockey was being in a position where I might be able to help effect positive change. When we look at the successful seasons the Stars have had in their recent history, one thing that jumps out is that the teams were built around home grown talent, and I think to increase the chance of a sustainable setup, working to get back to that will only be good for hockey in Oxford.

I like to think working as part of the coaching team over the last two years I’ve helped with that, but when Paul and Russ approached me about setting up this new role and asking me to take it on, I was very excited at the vision they have for the role. My job will be to make the communication between all the partnerships in Oxford Ice Hockey even better, and to work with, and support, all of them to continue the progress that has been made so far.

Initially I see that as strengthening the pathway between the juniors and Rising Stars, getting more young athletes having the opportunity to practice and play up to NIHL2. The difference between junior and senior hockey can be massive, and since the inception of Rising Stars a valuable stepping stone has been put in place to try to make the transition for the young athletes less of a leap, and more of a step.

The other important part of my role will be to try to get players from Rising progressing through to the Stars. When you look around the country at the strongest organisations, they have been built on a solid junior programme, and then the young athletes being able to transition into senior hockey, with the ultimate aim to play the highest level they can in their own “home town” club. I’m confident that if you asked most young players in Oxford were, then they would include striving to get to play for the Stars.

I think the relationship between myself, Jeff and Darren is superb, we all respect each other and want the best for the athletes and the future of hockey in Oxford, and that we can all have honest and positive conversations based on those foundations. I will also be doing everything I can to develop a strong working relationship with the management team of the Stars, and pushing for athletes from Rising to be given the opportunity to step up to the Stars, which will in turn allow more opportunities for juniors coming through to Rising.

I’m eager to start work and will be working hard to repay the trust that Paul, Russ and the other directors have given to me by offering me this role.